Air Pollution From Traffic More Dangerous – But There Is Hope

Air Pollution Causes More Damage Than We Knew. But There IS Hope! These New Initiatives Are Making a Difference.


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We’re all worried by air pollution – and rightly so.  Now, new studies are showing that the effects of air pollution from traffic are even worse than we thought.

  • Children who live close to traffic have stunted lungs – children from the most polluted areas have 5-10% less lung capacity and they may never get that back. This is shown to be the case all around the world.
  • Scientists put the number of early deaths caused worldwide by air pollution at double previous estimates: 8.8 million a year, according to research published in the European Heart Journal,

This means that toxic air is killing more people than tobacco smoking.

Air Pollution and Exposure

Scientists now know that air pollution is all about exposure – how close we are to the traffic or the smoke source.

toddlers are head height for air pollution from trafficIf you have small children or grandchildren, consider this:- small children and babies in buggies or prams are literally sitting at head-height to the exhaust pipes. Plus, they have smaller lungs, so they also breathe it in more rapidly.

But there is good news. Now that we know that, we can start to help ourselves.

For example, an experiment in London, UK, looked at the difference between walking along a busy road on the pavement or sidewalk. If you walk on the inside of the sidewalk, next to buildings, there are 33,000 nanoparticles per cubic centimetre. But if you walk on the edge of the pavement, next to the traffic, there are 163,000 nanoparticles per cubic centimetre. Five times more, in other words. Five times!

(Nanoparticles are the very smallest pollution particles, which are linked to the worst health effects, because the more you breathe in, the greater the danger to your health).

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What Can Be Done About Air Pollution From Traffic?

Change can be achieved if people come together and demand it.

Here are some initiatives that are being used in the UK and elsewhere to help reduce air pollution from traffic. They help to protect our children, who are most vulnerable to air pollution. And so that means keeping kids away from cars.

Schools can apply to be on a “school street zone“.which means that during school drop-off and pick-up times, only pedestrians, bicycles and electric buses are allowed on the street. (Non-approved vehicles are fined).

Mums are unanimous in their praise. As one mother said:- “At pick-up time, traffic would be backed up all along this road and nearby roads. The traffic would be all the way down.”  Now, it’s quiet and clear. Mums and kids chat easily, not needing to raise their voices.

Other measures include-

  • no-idling zones outside hospitals,
  • congestion charges,
  • low emission zones
  • electric vehicle-charging infrastructure


Air pollution from traffic is a real problem. It’s good to know there are some solutions.


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Did you know that people who live green are happier? They also have a more non-toxic life, and more time to spend on the important things in life. Find out how to live a simpler, greener life with this FREE ebook now! (Click the picture, or click here).

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Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your free green living handbook “Live Well, Live Green” here.


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