6 Best Juices for Diabetics – Keep Your Blood Sugar Levels Perfect!

Keep Safe Blood Sugar Levels with these 6 Best Juices for Diabetics



Do you suffer from diabetes – or do you know someone who does? It’s very common today, so here are some suggestions for the best juices for diabetics.

fresh fruit juices are not always the best juices for diabeticsNormal blood sugar levels rise and fall throughout the day due to hormones and what you eat, but they don’t change massively.

But if you suffer from diabetes, your blood sugar changes more dramatically because insulin doesn’t work as it should to keep everything in balance. So as a diabetic, you need to be aware of your blood sugar levels and watch what you eat and drink

As a general rule, you need to avoid fruit-only juices, as the natural sugars in the fruit can raise blood sugar levels. However, research shows that the juices listed below are safe – and can help to keep blood sugar levels in check.

Remember to always check with your health professional before making changes to your diet. This post is NOT medical advice!

Read on for the best juices for diabetics.


Best Juices for Diabetics #1 – Pomegranate Juice

Even though pomegranates are quite sweet, the sugars in pomegranate juice do not raise blood sugar levels, which is great news for anyone suffering from diabetes. Pomegranate juice also contains antioxidants which have many health benefits.

Take fresh pomegranate seeds and add them to your blender with a little water. The resulting juice makes a lovely drink!

water keeps you hydrated and improves concentration

Best Juices for Diabetics #2 – Water

Water is always the best thing to drink – whether you have diabetes or not. To ring the changes, add some lemon slices, some cucumber slices, some fresh herbs such as mint or basil, or crush a couple of raspberries into it.



Best Juices for Diabetics #3 – Green Juice

green juice is best juices for diabeticsStore-bought juices are designed to sound yummy – but you already know you can’t drink juices made only from sweetened fruit if you have diabetes.

Instead, put a mixture of green, leafy vegetables (e.g. baby spinach, kale) into a blender together with cucumber or celery, and add a few raspberries or blackberries for flavour. Add water and fresh orange juice and you’ve got a tasty green juice that’s also really good for you. And it won’t spike your blood sugar levels.



Best Juices for Diabetics #4 – Bitter Melon Juice

use bitter melon for best juices for diabeticsBitter melon (also known as bitter gourd or karela) has been shown to lower blood glucose levels. It tastes very, very bitter, and you should not have more than 2 per day.

To make a juice from it, you can either juice it on its own (if you’re brave!), or add cucumber, lemon and an apple and juice them all together.

You can find bitter melon in Asian stores – it’s used in Indian cooking and it grows in tropical countries across the world.





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Best Juices for Diabetics #5 – Fresh Orange Juice

Avoid store-bought orange juices as they often have added sugar or other ingredients. As a diabetic, you can enjoy a small glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice – ideally with a meal. Or even better, eat an orange – you’ll get the fibre and antioxidant benefits. Oranges have a low glycaemic index.


tomato juice is one of the best juices for diabetesBest Juices for Diabetics #6 – Fresh Tomato Juice

Diabetes sufferers are more prone to blood clots, which can lead to cardiovascular problems. Drinking a small glass of tomato juice daily has been shown to reduce this risk – but make sure it’s unsweetened tomato juice



All of these juices are healthy when drunk in moderation, and help keep blood sugar levels in check while offering variety and choice in what you drink.

Drink pomegranate, orange or tomato juice, water, bitter melon juice and green vegetable juices – they’re healthy juices that are good for you AND good for your blood glucose level.

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Do you have diabetes? Have you tried any of these juices? Let me know in the comments below.

Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your FREE weight loss smoothie recipes here!



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    • Hi Mattie, thanks for asking! There are several yummy foods you can add to smoothies that will increase the calories and help you to gain a little weight. Depending on what foods you enjoy, and what’s available in your region, you could add any of these to your smoothies – coconut cream, avocado, creamed rice or peanut butter (or any nut butter). These will add a creamy texture to your smoothie. Add some high-quality dark chocolate for a treat. Full-fat Greek or plain yogurt, bananas, walnuts or honey are also great additions. All of these foods will not only increase calories but they’ll also keep you feeling full, so you won’t need to snack on heavily-processed snacks which are high-calorie but don’t offer good nutrition. You’ll still enjoy healthy smoothies which will help you to gain weight. I hope this helps!

  • My boyfriend has just been diagnosed with diabetes and I am very concerned because he’s 78. So I need all the help I could get to help him.

  • I am almost addicted to the pure pomegranate juice available in 1l bottles. They claim it to be totally free of ALL additives, cold pressed, & absolutely pure.
    I think it’s made in Germany. It is simply delicious diluted 50% with soda water, & a dash of pure Lemon juice. Makes a lovely aperitif.
    I also consume at least 2 large passionfruit a day for the sheer pleasure of their special taste.

    • Wonderful, I’m glad you’re enjoying it! Remember to add some veggies to your drinks too for even better health – because pomegranate juice has a good flavour, you won’t even notice bland leaves such as spinach. Add the juice and leaves to a stick blender or full blender and whizz – it’s really good for you, especially first think in the morning on an empty tummy.

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