6 Ways to Create Ridiculously Creamy Smoothies

Yummy Creamy Smoothies Can Also be Healthy Smoothies! These 6 Ingredients Will Have You Wanting More!



berry creamy smoothie

Sometimes, you just want to sip something nice and creamy and rich and smooth. Drinkable ice-cream, in other words. Here’s how to create drinks that are healthy but still ridiculously yummy, dreamy, creamy smoothies!

(And there’s one ingredient below that might surprise you!)

How to make sure it’s healthy

Always have more veggies than fruit in your smoothie. Most fruit is strongly flavoured, many vegetables aren’t, so you don’t need much fruit to give your smoothie a lovely fruity taste. A couple of berries add very few calories but lots of sweetness and antioxidants!

1 Add Chia Seeds or Flaxseeds

A tablespoon of chia seeds really makes a thick smoothie! The seeds actually absorb the liquids in the smoothie and expand. And they’re super healthy, with omega-3 fatty acids, protein and fibre. Flaxseeds offer similar benefits  – decide which ones taste better to you!

2. Add Frozen Fruits

Frozen bananas are well-known for adding creamy thickness to a smoothie, but don’t forget frozen avocado, mango and papaya.  I’ve got a papaya tree growing in my garden and adding papaya to my breakfast smoothie is delicious!

Tip: – Unless you have a powerful blender, you’ll want to chop the fruit up quite small before freezing it and adding it your blender. You can also buy lots of fruit ready frozen – always check that nothing else has been added to it.

3. Add Coconut Milk or Cream – or Coconut

Natural fresh coconut raw foodYes, coconut cream is quite ruinous from a calories point of view, but it is mostly healthy fat and it’s wonderfully rich and keeps you feeling full for longer. Alternatively, add coconut flesh, fresh or frozen, for a strong coconut flavour.

4. Add Nut Butter

Also high in calories, peanut butter or any of the nut butters add a lovely thickness to your smoothie. A peanut butter and banana smoothie is yummy, but not particularly healthy. I add spinach to mine – it changes the colour but not the taste (baby spinach has almost no taste).

5. Add Psyllium Husk

These husks will definitely make your smoothie thicker – but beware! Be sure to drink it immediately after you blend it. Psyllium absorbs liquid and can eventually form a gel which is not very pleasant to drink.

Phyllium is also useful because it contains a lot of fiber, which can help if you’re constipated. (Using it occasionally is absolutely fine, but if you’re going to use it regularly, it’s wise to consult a health professional).


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6. Add Cauliflower

cauliflower vegetable for a creamy smoothieFrozen cauliflower is a surprise ingredient in smoothies. Raw or cooked cauliflower has a slightly sulphur-y smell and taste – but when it’s frozen, it doesn’t! So you can add it to a smoothie without adding a lot of taste but adding a lovely thick and creamy consistency. (It’s also a great way to add extra vegetables to your drink!).

Other options

  • Silken tofu is a great plant-based thickener that doesn’t add a lot of flavour.
  • Adding yogurt to your smoothie helps to thicken it, and plain Greek yogurt contains the most protein.
  • Soak raw nuts in water overnight then toss them in your smoothie for some healthy fat.
  • Rolled oats offer fiber and are nice for a breakfast smoothie.
  • Quinoa is a complete protein that will thicken up your smoothie nicely. Cook it according to the packet directions and then add it to your smoothie.

Enjoy ridiculously creamy smoothies today!

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Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your FREE recipes for yummy smoothies that will keep you feeling full!  Click here.  


creamy smoothie, healthy smoothies, smoothies

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