Are You Failing at Self Care? (Most Women Are)

It’s a Sad Fact. Many Women Fail at Self-Care. Do You? Here’s What To Do About It.




How well do you look after yourself? Are you conscious of your own physical, mental and emotional health? Or are you always focusing on others? Self-care is really important – yet it’s something we often neglect.

How you view yourself, and how you interact with others are influenced by your level of self-care.

When was the last time you took a day (or even a week) off to decompress, explore the meaning of life, relax and unwind?

Good self-care habits let you care for yourself without sacrificing other parts of your life such as family, career and community.

Good self-care means you can be there, in the way you want to be, for others.


Signs of Lack of Self-Care

cortisol stressYou might be failing at self-care if you feel stressed and/or burned out.

When you’re stressed, you’re more likely to fall ill – and if you’re ill, it’s difficult to function and carry out your responsibilities. Recovery time from illness can also be longer if you’re stressed.

Another sign that you may be failing in self-care is if you rarely allow others to do something for you.


Tenets of Self-Care

To live your best life, you need to look after yourself.

According to Psychology Today, proper self-care acts like a suit of armor that protects the energy that you need to survive.

Self-care can also mean having the skillset to enable others to take over, while you take a break or focus on other tasks that need your attention.

Here are five tenets to put you on course to practising better self-care. (You’ll notice that these 5 tenets are all-natural, there’s no medication involved in these routes to better health).


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1. Know When to Say ‘No’

Stop. Just say no for better self-careThe fact is, we’re all human. You can’t do absolutely everything.

When you take on too much, then after a while you feel drained and worn down. That means other things, like your home life, your work and other commitments, all suffer.

Good self-care means setting boundaries – especially with others who may or may not have your best interest at heart.

Learn to say “no” to some things – so that you can give your best in everything you do.


2. Schedule Self-Care Activities

Self-care does not just happen by itself, or by accident. You have to schedule the time and actively commit to seeing those plans through.

You might also need to make sure that others are aware of your plans – so that they don’t unknowingly push you to put their needs ahead of yours.


3. Make Sleep and Rest a Priority

sleep well for self-careNever underestimate the power of sleep! Sleep, rest, relaxation, and meditation re-charge your batteries and give you a much-needed restoration period.

Additionally, a good night’s sleep helps to keep your mind sharp and your mood positive.


4.Find Fitness

If fitness is not your strong point, look for ways to naturally incorporate some form of fitness into your day. Challenge yourself to find something you find joy in doing whether it’s going for walks, swimming, kickboxing, dancing around your home solo, or finding a Zumba class to get you moving.

Self-care is not only about getting adequate rest, taking a day off or keeping your doctor’s appointments. It’s also about helping your body to stay fit.


5. Socialize with Others

Self-care is also about tending to those relationships that make you feel good. Healthy relationships are essential for your emotional and physical well-being.

Life can be hectic, and sometimes it’s difficult to make time for friends and family. But your connections are a must-have. Look for ways to nurture those relationships – even if it means becoming the organizer of those get-togethers.


Assess and Start – Today

Take the time today to assess your life and whether or not you are practicing self-care.

You don’t have to make sweeping changes all at once if you find a few areas are lacking. Target a single area at a time and make small adjustments.

You will be amazed by the overall improvement that begins to take hold of your life



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Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your FREE recipes for yummy smoothies that will keep you feeling full!  Click here.  


health, looking after yourself, self-care

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