5 Drinks Improve Your Healthspan

These 5 Drinks Improve Your HealthSpan – Live Longer and Better (and They’re Easy!)


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These 5 drinks improve your healthspan – the amount of your life you spend feeling spry and healthy.

And the good news is that the 5 drinks that the oldest living people in the world drink, are also pretty good to drink for everyone!

These are all common drinks in the Blue Zones – where people have longer healthspans than average (including Ikaria, Greece; Loma Linda, California; Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; and Nicoya, Costa Rica).

Discover these 5 drinks below, and start enjoying them – today!


Green Tea

Twinings green tea with pomegranateMany people in Okinawa, Japan sip green tea all day long. Green tea, as you probably already know, is full of antioxidants. They help to protect your heart health, reduce bad cholesterol, improve bone strength and protect your brain by improving memory and attention. And green tea also has anti-aging properties.

Of course, tea also contains caffeine, which can be bad if you drink too much. (If you’re sensitive to caffeine, then don’t drink it in the afternoon or evening as it can interfere with your sleep). But caffeine has many benefits including reducing your risk of diabetes, Parkinson’s and heart disease, and it sharpens your focus.

As if all of that weren’t enough, green tea is good for your gut as it encourages the growth of good bacteria there.

Tip:- Ideally, you should drink green tea without milk, cream or sugar. If you don’t like the taste, you can buy green tea with added flavors – I like green tea and mint, for example.

Tip:- It’s better to buy either loose-leaf tea or tea bags – the ready-made teas-in-a-bottle often have additives that are not all beneficial.


Black Tea

Black tea has many of the same benefits as green tea – it helps to protect you against developing type 2 diabetes, some cancers, stroke, and cardiovascular disease.

And it’s actually even better for your gut/digestion than green tea! (Some of the molecules are too big to be absorbed so they help the good bacteria in the intestine).


environmental impact of coffee espressoCoffee (Black)

Coffee also contains caffeine and lots of lovely antioxidants as well as essential nutrients, and they all help to reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes, depression, neurodegenerative diseases, some cancers, and liver disease.

in the Blue Zone of Sardinia, coffee is a “wake-up” drink, but in Costa Rica, people tend to drink greater quantities of weaker coffee all day.



Of course, smoothies are also healthy drinks (when you make them the right way), although they’re not generally common in the Blue Zones. You can get yummy free recipes by clicking the picture below

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Water Improves Your HealthSpan

Of course, you already know that water is good for you. You can only go without water for about 3 days, it’s more important than food.

And of course, it’s much healthier than all those drinks on the supermarket shelves that are chock-full of sugar, chemicals and additives.

It may be that water in the Blue Zones is cleaner than water in other countries, but if you are concerned about your water, you can have it tested and filter out any nasties.


And Even Red Wine Improves Your Healthspan!

red wine in glass with vineyard grapes drinkOh, I’m SO happy to be able to include wine in this list!

Of course, alcohol can cause car crashes and other fatal events.

But it’s been found that in all the Blue Zones, they drink a little every day – and it adds to the quality of their life.

  • Red wine is high in antioxidants which protect your heart, and lessen the chance of some cancers and diabetes.
  • If you drink a little bit of red wine with a plant-based meal, it increases absorption of the antioxidants and other good things in the food, and it also helps to lower cortisol (stress) levels.
  • And if you drink a little (up to two drinks a day), you’ll actually have a lower chance of dying than people who don’t drink at all (probably due to the antioxidants, etc.).

People who are living the longest of anybody on Earth are enjoying a little bit of their favorite alcohol every day. So, a small amount of what you enjoy, does you good!

(If you want to know what red wine they drink, it’s Cannonau di Sardegna, the local name for the grenache grape – it has more antioxidants than most other red wine grapes).



These 5 drinks are easy, there’s nothing unusual or different in them, so if you enjoy them, drink up (just keep the red wine to 2 glasses or less!).

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Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your FREE recipes for yummy smoothies that will keep you feeling full!  Click here.  


5 drinks for your healthspan

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