Boost Your Brain Today – Nootropic Foods Are Yum!

Delicious Nootropic Foods will Boost Your Brain Power Today!


boost your brain with nootropic foods


Want to boost your brain? Improve your memory? Concentrate better? Of course! Nootropic foods contain special ingredients that help your brain function better. And that’s useful for everyone, and especially as we age and have a higher risk of dementia.

So, what are these nootropic foods that will boost your brain power? Luckily, they’re delicious and most are easily available.

And they’re far better for you than supplements, because your body absorbs the beneficial nutrients better. They taste better too. And you know exactly what goes into them, unlike with supplements.

So let’s look at the 5 yummiest nootropic foods.

(Nootropic simply means that they improve your memory – it’s got nothing to do with the tropics or tropical islands).

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Best Nootropic Foods #1 – Dark Chocolate!

nootropic foods - Dark ChocolateOh yum! Dark chocolate (70% cacao or higher) contains flavanols which can help slow  memory loss due to aging.

However, it’s not all good news. Obviously you can’t eat too much dark chocolate, especially if you’re watching your weight. And that means that you’re probably not going to get enough flavanols to boost your memory.

But all is not lost! Drink green tea (you can buy it with other flavours added if you don’t like the taste of green tea) and eat apples because they contain flavanols too. That way, you’ll get enough to make a difference.

Best Nootropic Foods #2 – Eggs

nootropic foods - eggsEat a few eggs a week, because studies show that they help brain function. Eggs contain choline, which the brain converts into a neurotransmitter that helps brain cells communicate and keeps memories intact.

Eggs also have lots of vitamins and minerals as well as omega-3 fatty acids.

Best Nootropic Foods #3 – Blueberries

nootropic foods - berriesBlueberries are called superfoods because they contain so much good nutrition. They also contain antioxidants (anthocyanins) which boost the signalling and cognitive functions of the brain. And they protect the brain from damage caused by aging.

Best Nootropic Foods #4 – Fatty Fish

nootropic foods - fish“Fatty” fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring and sardines may improve the brain’s messaging, and reduce brain shrinkage.

These fish are also very nutritious while still low in calories.

Best Nootropic Foods #5 – Turmeric

nootropic foods - turmeric

Turmeric is a spice often used in curries and other Indian food. It contains curcumin which is said to improve memory, especially in people who suffer from mild cases of memory loss.

Turmeric is also an anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant. It helps with arthritis pain, aids digestion and helps to fight heart disease.

If you don’t eat curries every day, you can get a daily dose of turmeric by drinking turmeric tea, or adding the spice to a juice or smoothie. Or try a yummy turmeric latte before bed to help you sleep – I’ve added a recipe below.

Other Nootropics

Both caffeine and nicotine are known as nootropic foods. However, nicotine can be addictive, and large doses are toxic. Caffeine, though great in small doses (i.e. one or two small cups a day) is often over-used and mixed with flavorants and additives which can reduce its effectiveness as a nootropic.

Herbs such as ginseng and ginkgo may need to be taken for several months before there is any effect. Also, as with most “alternative” medicines, the science is not clear on the real benefits, so they didn’t make my Top 5 list either.

And of course there are nootropic drugs – amphetamines such as Adderall. They’re not on my list either, because it’s better to get results from natural foods rather than drugs.


Many foods and drugs are nootropics, but it’s always better to get the benefits of improved brain function through normal foods instead of supplements or drugs.

Eat dark chocolate, eggs, turmeric, fatty fish and blueberries to keep your bran in peak condition, particularly as you age.


Recipe – Turmeric Latte

This recipe makes 4 servings. Lovely before bed, or as a warming, comforting drink any time. nootropic foods - turmeric latteOr serve over ice on hot days.

  • 2 cups / 500ml milk (any milk is fine – dairy, almond, soy, coconut etc.)
  • 1 tsp turmeric powder
  • ½ tsp cinnamon powder 
  • pinch of ground black pepper
  • tiny piece of fresh peeled ginger root or ¼ tsp ginger powder
  • pinch of cayenne pepper (optional)
  • 1 tsp raw honey or maple syrup or to taste (optional)


  • Blend all ingredients in a blender or stick blender until smooth.
  • Pour into a small saucepan and heat for 3-5 minutes over medium heat until hot, but not boiling.
  • If you wish, apply the stick blender again to the drink, to make it a little frothy, like a latte.
  • Drink immediately.

Tip: if you’re going to have this drink often, make up a larger quantity of the dry spice ingredients, and store them in an airtight container. Then simply add the mix to milk when you want to make the drink again.

This recipe is adapted from the Wellness Mama blog


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Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your free green living handbook “Live Well, Live Green” here.


aging, aging memory, Best Nootropic Foods, boost your brain, brain, brain function, improve memory, memory, memory loss, Nootropic, Nootropic Foods, Nootropics

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