Scientific Ways to Feel Better in Just 5 Days

Better Health in 5 Days – These are the Best Science-Backed Ways to Feel Better


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Most of us want to feel better in some way – whether it’s to be more healthy, get fitter, be better with people, lose weight, eat better, whatever.  You could focus on whatever is most important to you, and set specific and achievable goals to accomplish your desire.

Or you could look at doing something different every day for 5 days. Something that will make you feel better. Every day.

It may not help you to meet a specific goal, but these 5 tips will definitely improve your life, well-being and happiness.


Day 1 – Fidget, Walk and Moisturize

feel younger by exploring walking benefits - simplicityIf you sit too much (like me), of course exercise is necessary. But if you’re not doing much now, consider fidgeting. A tapping foot or fiddling fingers can help to keep your body moving and even burn a few calories.

A walk is the simplest, and probably one of the best forms of exercise – but ring the changes. Try walking backwards. (Yes, really!). It burns more calories than walking forwards,  and it also strengthens the muscles in your back. It’s particularly good if you have knee problems because it reduces the strain on the knee joint while increasing the flexibility of the hamstrings. It can also give your brain a boost.

Oh, and while you’re walking, it’s more than OK to get a bit wet and muddy. It’ll help to top up the beneficial microorgansims that live on your body.  That’s always good – but especially if you have a skin condition such as psoriasis or atopic dermatitis.

And speaking of skin, it’s your largest organ – and it has a surprising effect on your health.  Multiple studies confirm that how youthful you look is an impressively accurate expression of your inner health.  Dry or damaged skin can release biochemicals that contribute to body-wide inflammation, eventually affecting other organs such as the heart and brain. So, look after your skin with good skincare routines including moisturizer.


Day 2 – Sleep

Science is discovering just how vitally important sleep is, and you’d be simply amazed at how many things it affects. For example, you’re less likely to lose weight if you’re not getting enough sleep.  Recovery from illness is slower without enough sleep. And obviously, you don’t perform – at anything – as well as you would if you were well rested. Even your gut (sometimes called your second brain) works better with enough sleep, helping digestion and improving immunity to better protect you from disease.

Try to always go to bed and get up at the same time. Don’t eat or watch TV or scroll your phone while in bed. If you are disturbed by light, use a sleep mask or get blackout drapes or curtains. Keep your bedroom tidy and clear clutter.


Day 3 – Do Something Different to Feel Better

beautiful autumn leaves - use a leaf blower or not?When you do something different, even something small, it can make you feel happier, more resilient and less stressed, according to science.  Some suggestions to make you feel better –

  • Just sing – perhaps the most accessible stress reliever.
  • Try learning something new – a challenging new skill will increase your brain plasticity, which helps your mind to adapt and rewire itself.
  • Do a different aerobic exercise that releases endorphins, the brain’s “feel good” chemicals.
  • Try thinking yourself young. Research shows that if you see yourself as young, you might just live longer.
  • If you are feeling energetic, you could also attempt some squats. By working with and against gravity, these deceptively simple exercises can give your brain a surprising boost in blood flow, which boosts your brain power and problem-solving skills.
  • Embrace the power of wonder – climb a hill or mountain, watch the ocean or marvel at a starry sky. Experiencing awe can reduce stress, boost memory and give you a greater sense of connection to others and the world around you.
  • Or, just simply breathe. Research suggests that breathing exercises can reduce stress, anxiety, and lower blood pressure. They can also help you sleep.
  • And of course, get my stress relievers in your inbox for 5 days (free) – click the picture below.


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Day 4 – Keep Your Friends Close (but Choose Them Well)

Friends and relationships are vital to your health – they can boost your immune system, improve your heart health and make you feel happier. Good friends make you feel better.

The friends you have can change your habits (for better and worse!). Everyone constantly picks up cues from the people around them, and these can have a powerful impact on your behaviour.

Fascinating fact – walkers who synchronise their steps tend to communicate better, while tapping a beat along with a friend can make both like each other more.

If you need to forgive people, do so (and mean it) – it can reduce your stress levels, help you earn more money and even keep you healthier as you age.


Day 5 – Develop Fascinating Hobbies

eco friendly Christmas gifts - books in IcelandDid you know that Nobel prize-winning scientists have about three times as many personal hobbies as the average person? (You would think they’d  have less free time than the rest of us, being so busy developing new stuff, wouldn’t you?).

Having some idle moments to let your mind wander can bring surprising benefits – but it’s really good to take up a new hobby or spend time on an existing one.

If you’re bored, you might find yourself compulsively addicted to mobile phone use (and that’s associated with mental health issues).

Taking up a new hobby can help to keep your brain younger, help to fuel creativity – and stave off that boredom.

You could get creative and engage with music, painting, or writing poetry.

I’m an avid reader, and interestingly, people who read fiction are better at working out what others are thinking and feeling.

And if you like to read aloud to others, it can not only improve your memory of what you are reading but also make it easier to understand complicated texts.


To Wrap Up

The normal advice for improving your health is to eat healthy food and get lots of exercise. And of course, that’s absolutely right.

But it’s not very exciting (or unusual), is it?

Instead, consider at least some, if not all, of these 5 science-backed ways to feel better. Fidget and move (even backwards), get enough sleep, do something totally different for a change, keep in touch with friends and develop interesting hobbies. These 5 things will help you to feel better. They’re not a fad. They’re all interesting, long-term, enjoyable things to do. (And of course, they’re all-natural, simple and eco-friendly too).

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Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to join the 5-day Yoga to De-Stress Challenge –  it’s fun! You’ll be glad you did.  Click here to join – it’s FREE!


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