The Healthy Soda You’ll LOVE to Drink!

Soft Drinks are Yummy – but Lousy for your Health. Try This Yummy Healthy Soda Instead!


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Most of us love to drink soda (aka soft drinks, fizzy drinks). They’re fun, tasty, sweet and fizzy. Sadly, they’re lousy for your health. Luckily, there’s a truly healthy soda that tastes really good!

Let’s look at the harm that normal sodas cause, then we’ll get to the healthy soda.

What’s Wrong With Soft Drinks?

The biggest problem with most sodas is that they contain lots of sugar.

A bottle of Coca-Cola, for example, contains 12-14 teaspoons of sugar.

Sodas made in the US use HFCS (high-fructose corn syrup) instead of sugar, and that’s even worse for you than sugar! It causes problems with leptin and insulin resistance and can lead to weight gain, amongst other nasties such as diabetes.

Are Diet Sodas OK?

Diet sodas or “zero sugar” drinks are every bit as bad as the originals – even though they’re marketed in such a way that you think you’re drinking a healthier alternative.

True, there’s no sugar in them. Instead, they’re packed full of artificial sweeteners, which ALSO cause leptin resistance.

If you drink diet soda often, then you’ll probably gain weight. Yes, it’s utterly daft – diet sodas cause weight gain!

So, What SHOULD You Drink?

When you want a nice, refreshing fizzy drink or soda, reach for this.


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The Healthy Soda

This healthy soda drink is super-quick and easy to make, and refreshing and fun.

  1. To a tall glass of sparkling water add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar.
  2. Squeeze half a lemon into the drink, add ice, and enjoy!

Some Notes on the Healthy Soda

lemons and lemonadeApple cider vinegar is really good for your body, and it helps you to detox. So does the lemon juice.

The drink is nicely alkaline, which is good for you and helps to improve your digestion.

If you’re used to really sweet sodas, you might want to add a little sweetness.  You don’t want to add sugar, and most artificial sweeteners are not healthy, however, there are 3 good options:

  • Raw honey
  • Organic apple juice concentrate
  • Pure stevia leaf extract (there are lots of varieties of stevia sold – be sure to get only the pure leaf extract with nothing else added).

Start with one teaspoon and taste it to get it just right for you.

The great advantage of this healthy soda is that you’ll gradually get used to less sweetness. And THAT means you’ll start to crave sweetness less. Which makes eating healthy food, easier.

And of course, this drink is much cheaper than soda – and MILES better for you! And the planet.

Final Tip

You don’t need to buy soda water or fizzy water in those nasty single-use plastic bottles.

I prefer sparkling to still water, so I have a SodaStream at home. I don’t add any of their flavorants, I just schoozzz my filtered tap water so it’s nice and fizzy, and I have an endless supply of soda water – it saves me a fortune and it’s far more eco-friendly!

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Warm regards,

signature Clare






healthy drinks, healthy soda

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