Feed Your Brain (and Improve Your Focus)

Help Your Brain to Improve Your Focus with These Special Foods and Drinks


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It doesn’t really matter what you do – whether you are working, parenting, exercising and/or enjoying hobbies, being able to concentrate on what you’re doing is always good. So how do you improve your focus?

Well, eating healthy food improves most aspects of your life – I always feel better and have more energy when I eat well. And sure enough, certain good foods can help to improve your focus too.

So, read on to discover which foods are best to help you to concentrate on whatever it is that’s important to you.

A Different Type of Caffeine

Of course you know about caffeine, the hugely popular go-to when it comes to focusing and being able to concentrate. Most of us get our caffeine ‘fix’ though coffee. I drink 2 espressos most mornings and that works well for me.

However, when you drink too much coffee, you can get a roller-coaster effect – all the benefits, and then that mental crash at the end of the ride.

natural remedies for improving focusInstead, consider green tea. Yes, it has caffeine – but most forms of green tea also contain another ingredient, L-theanine, that causes caffeine to be released more slowly into your bloodstream.

This gives you the benefits of caffeine such as focus and concentration, without the unwanted dropdown.  And it has other great health benefits too – green tea is great!

(Of course, as with anything else, a cup or two a day is fine – but if you want to drink more, consult your medical professional first, especially if you are taking medication).

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba is an ancient herb that has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. (It’s made from the leaves of the maidenhair tree).

And it’s popular now because it’s said to improve your brain function.

How does it do that? By increasing the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain, it’s thought that it helps you to focus and retain information.

Leaf of Ginkgo biloba(It’s the same sort of idea as warming up before you exercise – it loosens your muscles and gets the blood pumping. Your brain is your “thinking muscle”).

You can drink gingko as a tea – make it yourself by adding boiling water to ginkgo leaves, or buy commercial tea bags. It has a mild, green taste – add a slice of lemon if you like.

Alternatively, supplements are available in different forms such as tablets and liquids.



Being overweight can also affect your focus and concentration. Enjoy one of these yummy smoothies instead of a meal to help you lose weight the easy way.

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nootropic foods - fishSalmon

Eating foods that contain high amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, are a really good way to improve your focus. This fatty acid is beneficial to the overall health of your brain.

Not only does Omega-3 actually improve the amount of oxygen available to the brain, but it is also involved in increasing your ability to retain new information.

It’s always better to get beneficial ingredients through fresh whole food than via supplements.

Foods Rich In Vitamin D

It’s interesting that the research into vitamin D for improving your focus is not always conclusive – but most experts agree that a LACK of this vitamin is associated with greater levels of impairment, especially as you age.

Healthy neurons in your brain are surrounded by “perineuronal nets” that help maintain brain connections. But if you don’t get enough vitamin D, these nets can degrade, causing you to lose concentration

sunshine for natural vitamin DYour body creates vitamin D from direct sunlight on your skin when you’re outdoors.  So get outside for some fresh air!

But during Winter (or if you don’t get outside much), you probably won’t make enough vitamin D.

Good sources of vitamin D include-

  • oily fish – such as salmon, sardines, herring and mackerel
  • red meat
  • liver
  • egg yolks

Of course you can take supplements, but it’s better to get this vital nutrient through your food.

All of these are simple, natural, eco-friendly solutions – the BEST way to be happy and healthy (and save the planet).

What do YOU eat or drink that helps you to focus and concentrate? Let me know in the comments below – I look forward to hearing from you!

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Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your FREE recipes for yummy smoothies that will keep you feeling full!  Click here.  


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