Why You Make New Year’s Resolutions at the Wrong Time

This is Why You Fail – You’re Making New Year’s Resolutions at the Wrong Time!


stick to your new year's resolutions Resolutions new year in scrabble letters 1000



The most common New Year’s Resolutions are to get fit, lose weight or change bad habits. Great! BUT did you know that January 1 is the absolutely WORST time? Yes, I’m afraid you’re making New Year’s resolutions at the wrong time!


Why Do We Decide to Change at New Year?

Well, itseems logical really. It’s the start of a brand new year. Everything is ahead of you. Fresh. It marks a new beginning. And a New You too.

It seems like a great time to start to improve your life.

Sadly, it isn’t.

That’s probably why a third of people have given up their resolutions after just one month – and after six, most people have lost all their good intentions.

And it’s because we’re making New Year’s resolutions at the wrong time.


So, What Goes Wrong?

prevent holiday weight gain at christmas dinnerThe Festive Season is a good excuse to indulge (or over-indulge) in nice things. This can leave you feeling sluggish and in need of a change.

The trouble is, it’s harder to start exercising and eating better in winter when it’s cold. We tend to move less, snuggle up indoors, and eat comfort food.

(For those of us in the Southern Hemisphere, December is our summer. As I write this on this tiny tropical island, it’s blazing hot and horribly humid – it just saps your energy. A benefit is that you don’t generally feel hungry when it’s too hot, but it’s also too hot to move, or to cook healthy food).

Read on to find out what to do instead…..


It’s a Stressful Time of Year – Slash your stress!

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So, When IS The Best Time to Make Resolutions?

It’s better to start doing exercise and/or eating better later in autumn / fall or earlier in winter.

In winter, everything (including Nature) slows down.

With short days and long dark nights, it’s much harder to think about going out to exercise or eating healthy food and changing your diet.

January 1 is just a really bad time to change – the excitement of the festivities are over but it’s still dark and cold – everything seems to work against bold new habits!

Ideally, you want to try to find a new routine that works for you, in late autumn / fall and early winter. Habits take a while to form, so start practicing earlier.

That way, by the time the New Year comes around, you’ve already got healthy habits in place that you can simply continue, rather than make huge changes at that time.


strength training weights

Added Benefits

There are some extra benefits to starting to exercise more in the fall or early winter.

  • If you like going to gym, they are miles quieter in November and December, but frantic in January due to all the people making New Year’s Resolutions (at the wrong time). So you’ll have your choice of machines.
  • Plus, if you’re new to a gym and you start in January, you might be put off by regular or experienced users – but with gyms so much quieter in December, you can feel more comfortable and have the time and space to build confidence by learning how to use machines or develop techniques.
  • Plus, there’s a psychological benefit too. Suppose you give yourself a huge goal and you start in January. Suppose the goal is just too difficult and you either give up or make a goal that’s easier to achieve. Many people will not only feel guilty about that, but also think the year has already started off badly. That won’t apply if you start your health goals in early winter.

So, get your New Year’s resolutions in place in autumn / fall or early winter. In the New Year, you’ll be stronger and more motivated, and it’ll be much easier to succeed!

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Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to join the 5-day Yoga to De-Stress Challenge –  it’s fun! You’ll be glad you did.  Click here to join – it’s FREE!


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