Consumption: A 21st-Century Disease That Can Be Cured!

Consumption – Yes, We Can Cure This 21st-Century Disease. And Here are 5 Cool Ways to Do Exactly that!

CONSUMPTION and how we consume eco-friendly environment


What’s The Problem?

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘consumption’?

  • The fourteenth-century definition of the word ‘consumption’ means the ‘wasting of the body by disease’.
  • The modern-world definition implies ‘the act of consuming, as by use, decay, or destruction’.

By sad irony, we are wasting the body of our planet, similarly to how diseases waste ours.

So what can we do?


What’s The Solution?

First things first. We need to accept that we are consumers!

We should not fight our modern essence or stop consuming altogether. We just need to start doing it smartly and giving back!

Here are 5 pieces of advice Nullker can suggest on how to ‘treat’ consumption:

  1. If you buy clothes, don’t act like a shopaholic. Buy the amounts and types you need. If possible, choose brands that follow the new eco standards of manufacturing. Once you don’t need your clothes anymore, please dispose of these items correctly or donate them to meet other people’s needs and decrease the amount of textile waste going to landfills.
  2. Don’t blame yourself if you happen to buy food in plastic packaging. Of course, it’s better to avoid plastic packaging, but it’s difficult to avoid. Just put it in recycling so that it does not get into the environment and stays in the cycle of reuse instead. This way, you will compensate for the wrongdoings of the food producer by remedying the potential harm such materials can do to the planet.
  3. If you are not a vegan, do not force yourself to become something that you are not. We humans have thousands of years of history behind us as a carnivorous species. If you cannot break the cycle, what you CAN do is help those who are still alive and need your support:- animals in shelters and on the streets, wild animals who are on the brink of extinction, animals who suffer from the human factor… All of the above you can and should save. Adopt, donate, and/or provide medical care!
  4. While we cannot cancel farming as it is, we should at least provide farm animals with the best living conditions possible. Chickens should stop living their entire lives packed in small cages under artificial light – they need to live as free-range poultry, enjoying the sun and green grass. Cattle should stop being kept in small pens – they should be freely grazing in the fields, thus, becoming a part of the natural ecosystem and its cycles of ‘food into fertilizer into new growth and repeated’.
  5. You don’t have to force yourself into a lifestyle that is too limiting. Instead, just open yourself to the potential of what you can do, easily, without betraying who and what you are, only becoming a better version of yourself through greener practices.


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Adopt these simple eco-behaviors on top of your consumption habits, and you will reach the desired zero balance between consumption and compensation, between economy and ecology.

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Nullker Fundraising Platform unites people who care about the environment, various environmental projects that seek support, and eco-friendly businesses so that, together, we all can make modern life more ‘eco’ and less ‘ego’.

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What do you think? Is this a more balanced and nuanced approach to living green? Let me know in the comments below.

Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to see what you can do to help slow climate change – click here (it’s free)


balance, clothes, consumption, eco friendly, ecology, economy, farming, food, plastic

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