Home Changes That REALLY Lower Your Carbon Emissions

These Home Changes Make a Difference and Lower Your Carbon Emissions Significantly

A lignite (coal) power plant pollutes, does not lower your carbon emissions


Of course, governments and big businesses must play their part to lower carbon emissions. Major changes at national and international level cannot be made by individuals like you and me.

But there are definitely changes we can make that DO make a difference – but what are they?


Sometimes I look at the information shared by governments and businesses and they promote actions that really don’t make a big difference. Even though they are worthwhile.

reusable canvas bag helps but doens't really lower your carbon emissionsChanging from using a single-use disposable plastic bag when shopping to a reusable one is absolutely the right thing to do. It’s easy and you save money, you’re helping to solve a litter problem, and helping to protect wildlife and marine animals from injury and death. It’s a good thing to do!

But will it make a big difference to your carbon emissions? Sadly, only a little. And we’re in such a climate crisis at the moment, that we need to take actions that really impact our emissions.

So, what can you do at home to help slow climate change and lower your carbon emissions?

The Change Which  Will Lower Your Carbon Emissions The Most

kids don't help to lower your carbon emissionsOK, bear with me here. Spoiler alert – some readers might find this offensive. The single thing that we, as individuals, can do that will have the biggest impact on carbon emissions, is to…… have one fewer child. Of course, this is an individual choice, that only you can make.

But the facts are clear. Each child born into an industrialised nation creates large carbon emissions – and so do that child’s descendants.  So having one less child makes a major impact both now and in the future.

The Second Biggest Change To Lower Your Carbon Emissions

ebike instead of car can help lower your carbon emissionsThe second biggest change is to ditch your car or truck altogether. If you live in a city, it’s much easier to do that – there’s generally good public transport, and many things are within walking distance of where you live. That’s not necessarily the case if you live in a far-flung suburb or in a rural area.  Also consider carpooling, ride-sharing and biking instead.

Switching to an electric car – and charging it with electricity from renewable energy – helps if you can’t go car-free.

Other Changes To Lower Your Carbon Emissions

stop flying it is not green, doesn't help to lower your carbon emissionsStaying with transport, reducing the amount and distance you fly makes a difference. Look at alternative methods of transport, and consider local holidays. Video-conference instead of flying for business meetings.

If you were willing and able, eating a plant-based diet makes a massive difference to carbon emissions.  Personally, I haven’t been able to make that switch yet, but I have reduced the amount of meat I eat, particularly red meat. It’s not perfect, but it helps.

Household Changes That Lower Your Carbon Emissions

nationalism vs. environmentalism - green energy solutions Solar renewable energyFirst, choose your energy supplier wisely. Most countries now have the option of buying or generating electricity that is generated by renewable energy.  Don’t support fossil-fuel plants that use coal, gas or oil to generate electricity – they simply make climate change worse.

Then, reduce your energy consumption. Of course, this will save you money, but it’s great for the planet too.

smart thermostat can help to lower your carbon emissionsHeating and cooling your home forms a significant part of your monthly expenses. So it makes sense to ensure that your heating and cooling systems are highly energy efficient. Look for companies like Viessmann who not only meet but exceed energy efficiency standards.

And of course, make sure your home is properly insulated so that all that nicely heated or cooled air stays with you! A smart thermostat is also a great way to save energy, by reducing energy waste.

What NOT to DO!

But don’t go out and buy a fancy new energy-saving item when your current one is still fine! You’ll generate more carbon emissions from the manufacture and transport of the new item, than you’ll save by it being more energy-efficient.

Spread The Word

On social media, use #HowMuchCO2 to find out how much carbon you can save.

Something else that’s really important for helping to lower your carbon emissions is to share information about energy conservation with your friends, neighbours and co-workers. Even better, encourage public officials to establish programs that are good for the environment. And vote for politicians who acknowledge that we have a climate crisis, and we need to act now!

And here’s a great infographic with some stunning information for you!


climate change report cover


Start making a difference today – download your FREE report on the 3 big things that you can do to help slow climate change. (Spoiler alert:- recycling is great, but it won’t make a big difference).


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What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.

Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your free climate change report here!



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