How To Keep New Year’s Resolutions

Great Tips – How To Keep New Year’s Resolutions!


New Year's ResolutionsAll around the world, the dawning of a brand new year brings a slew of wonderful New Year’s Resolutions.  Have you made – and broken – many New Year’s Resolutions?  I have.

I wondered why we’re all so bad at keeping our resolutions.  So I did a whole pile of research.

According to polls, the most common resolutions include

  • spending more time with family and friends,
  • getting fit,
  • losing weight,
  • stopping smoking / drinking, and
  • getting out of debt

Are those some of the resolutions you’ve made?  (Me too).

(If you want to add some eco friendly resolutions to your list, see Great Green New Year’s Resolutions).

All of these resolutions are great ideas, but they won’t happen unless you make them happen.

Here’s how:

1.  Set Yourself Up for Success

Work out exactly how you will achieve your goal.

  • If you want to lose weight, for example, you’ll need to plan your meals in advance, stock your home and office with healthy snacks and remove the temptation of quick, easy, calorie-filled snacks.
  • To get fit, you’ll need to know exactly how many times a week you need to exercise, when you will do so (e.g. morning or evening), and exactly what exercises you will complete.
  • Spending more time with family involves working out in advance when will be the best times, and planning what to do to ensure it’s an enjoyable time for everyone.

2.  Be Specific

A goal such as “Lose Weight” is going to fail.  You need to decide exactly how much weight you will lose, by when.  It would be great to instantly become lean, but it takes work.  Decide how much is reasonable to achieve, then have a specific reward in place, for example, some clothing which will fit once you lose the weight (don’t make food the reward!).

3.  Measure

Monitor your progress, so you know you’re achieving.

If you have a bad day, pick yourself up and get back on track.

4.  Involve a friend

Some New Year’s Resolutions may be easier to achieve with a friend.  For example, if you want to go to gym 3 times a week, having a friend to encourage you might make the difference between going to the gym or skipping it.

These tips should help you to keep those resolutions, and improve your life!


Related:  Add some easy green and eco friendly new years resolutions to your list

Want to lose weight?  Here’s a green way to lose those extra pounds or kilos

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Photo Credit:  Microsoft

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