Induction Stoves – Are They REALLY Better Than Gas?

Induction vs Gas Stoves – Which Is Better?


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Cooking with gas is great. It’s instant and controllable. But – are we really better off with natural gas? Climate experts AND professional chefs say induction stoves are better.

But are induction stoves affordable, and are they REALLY better for the environment? Let’s find out.

We’ll look at the emissions from induction and gas cookers, their costs, and one other aspect that’s really important.


Induction Stoves and the Environment

the best cookware is Induction readyInduction stoves heat food in a fraction of the time for a fraction of the energy. That’s great!

A problem though is that they use electricity –

  • If you get your electricity from renewable energy (solar or wind power), then that’s perfect.
  • If your electricity is generated from fossil fuels, then you’ll generate around the same carbon emissions as using a gas cooker (about 1 pound or half a kilogram of carbon dioxide (CO2) a day for an average family).

But as countries move towards more renewable energy, induction cooking is going to get cleaner and produce less emissions.

And the big problem with natural gas is that it’s notoriously ‘leaky’, both at its source and also through the gas that pipes it your home. It leaks methane – a more potent greenhouse gas than CO2.

And gas also produces NO2 (nitrous dioxide) while you’re using it, which is bad for the environment – and for you (more on that, shortly).


The Cost of Induction Stoves

In 2022 the cost of an induction cooker is more than double the equivalent gas stove.

They’re not hugely popular – yet – but the price will come down as more people buy them.

That’s great, but it’s not much comfort right now.

However, depending upon where you live, you may get a rebate for buying an induction cooker.

The cost of running a gas stove versus an induction cooker is about the same – again, it depends on where you live, but in most countries the difference is not massive.

Don’t forget though, that you may need to invest in new cookware – you need stainless steel or cast iron cookware to work on an induction stove.

But see below for the one item that may change your mind about induction cookers.



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Induction Stoves and Your Health

But here’s the BIG problem. Gas stoves are really, really bad for your health!

Natural gas produces nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and this leads to breathing problems and asthma, especially in children. If you’re cooking in a kitchen that isn’t vented, your air pollution could be 3 times more than the legal limit allowable outdoors!

A child living in a home with a gas stove is 42% more likely to have asthma.

That’s about the same as living with a smoker!

Gas Stove problems NO2 infographic

Even brief exposure to gas can cause asthma attacks and breathing problems in some people.

So, if you do decide to keep your gas stove, you might consider always opening a window – or upgrading your ventilation system. It might be expensive, but your health, and the health of your family, is priceless.

induction cooker safeStill on the subject of health, remember that you and your family will be safe from burns with an induction stove, as the cooker and surrounds stay cool, unlike a gas stove.


So, Is an Induction Cooker Worth It?

To review then,

  • If your electricity is generated from fossil fuels, then you won’t reduce your carbon footprint much by swapping to induction.
  • Induction stoves are currently more expensive than gas cookers, and you may need to invest in new cookware too.
  • An induction stove cuts out the risk of burns.
  • Gas stoves cause asthma and breathing issues, and are generally bad for health, while induction stoves are much safer.

So, if you want to reduce your carbon footprint, an induction stove is probably not your most efficient purchase (unless your home runs off renewable energy).

But if you want to improve the health in your household, reduce burn risk, and limit your future emissions, then an induction cooker could be a great way for you to get rid of that gas line going into your house.


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Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your FREE recipes for yummy smoothies that will keep you feeling full!  Click here.  


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