Can a Latex Foam Mattress help You?

The Sustainable Natural Latex Foam Mattress for High Quality Sleep


latex foam mattressWhen you choose a 100% natural latex foam mattress, you’re choosing an environmentally responsible bed that can actually improve your sleep quality. Latex is a natural liquid secreted by the rubber tree plant Hevea brasiliensis. This botanical byproduct can be harvested from trees on a regular basis without harming the living plant. The result is an all-natural bed that helps you sleep your best without harming the planet in the process.

Here’s how a real all-natural, chemical-free latex foam mattress can improve your sleep:

  • Latex foam conforms to your body. The unique cellular structure of a latex mattress gives instantly when you put pressure on the mattress while still maintaining its ability to support your body—and immediately returns to its original shape when the weight is removed. The result is an amazingly resilient mattress that responds with effortless ease to your smallest movements. You’ll sleep peacefully on a mattress that actually helps to properly align your spine, providing assistance with a range of physical conditions while giving you the softness and comfort you need to relax.
  • Hypo-allergenic latex lets you breathe easy. You’ll literally breathe more freely when you’re not restricted by your body’s reactions to dust mites, mold, mildew, or other allergens that can build up in traditional mattresses. The natural botanical properties of latex deter mites from living in the material, and the porous structure encourages air flow, keeping allergens and mold from accumulating.
  • The buoyancy of a latex foam mattress relieves pressure points. Latex can diminish or eliminate the creation of painful pressure points where skin, nerves, and soft tissues are compressed between the weight of the body and the firmness of the mattress beneath. Latex manages to be simultaneously soft and supportive, maintaining enough “give” to keep pressure points to a minimum—so you sleep with less pain.
  • Chemical-free bedding gives you healthier sleep. Spend 8 hours on a mattress that you know isn’t exposing you to some unknown chemical/glue with unknown side effects, and you’ll be surprised at how comfortable you feel. Your body won’t be working overtime to rid itself of excess toxins, and your mind will rest a little easier, too.

Due Diligence

Not all latex foam mattresses are created equally, though, so do your due diligence before you buy.  Some are more honestly organic than others.

Buy a latex foam mattress that’s constructed without glues, dyes, or chemical additives and that uses an all-natural wool fire-retardant barrier.

Choose a sustainable material like bamboo for the bed frame, and you’ll have a completely all-natural bedding option that can last for 25 years or more. You’ll sleep more soundly knowing you’re helping yourself and the planet with a sound investment that protects body and mind.

Quality Sleep

A latex foam mattress isn’t a cure-all for illness or disease, but it can help with a wide range of physical and psychosomatic symptoms so that you sleep more soundly each night. When your body is healthy and happy and you feel confident that you’re sleeping on a mattress that’s actually good for you and the planet, you may find that you finally get the quality sleep you’ve been missing.


+Michelle Gordon is a sleep expert who researches and writes about sleep and health, and is an online publisher for the latex mattress specialist




  • I just came onto your post and found it quite interesting. I am also associated with organic baby mattress, natural mattresses, organic futon, and love to enjoy the stuff on the same as its rarely found on internet. Thanks again for writing such a good post.

  • Just a bit of advice before purchasing latex mattresses, some cheaper latex is made with synthetic hardeners so it’s no longer natural, and won’t last long.

    • You’re right, it’s very important to do due diligence when buying a latex foam mattress – asking questions and relying on quality recommendations is important – thank you!

  • it is amazing though how much great sleep can change your life. I’m a big believer on sleep happiness, if you want to have the most happiness in this life, you’ll need the most sleep.

    • I agree (I get grumpy and I don’t think as clearly when I’m lacking sleep), sufficient quality sleep is hugely important. Thanks for your comment!

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