Natural Decongestant with Essential Oils

When You Have a Cold or the ‘Flu, a Natural Decongestant is Safest – and it Works!


Flu Natural Remedies


All blocked up? Aching body? Runny Nose? Sinus pain? Yeuch! If your chest and sinuses are feeling blocked and uncomfortable, it’s easy to buy over-the-counter medicines for relief – but they often contain unsafe chemicals, and even their ‘natural ingredients’ can be heavily processed and have chemical additives. According to the Mayo Clinic, popular store-bought decongestants contain toxic ingredients. Even though you use it only on your skin, the chemicals are absorbed into your body and can still cause harm.  It’s much safer to use a natural decongestant recipe that actually works!

In this post, you’ll discover some natural ways to help you to breathe more easily, as well as a recipe for a natural decongestant.


A Humidifier is a Natural Decongestant

Heating systems can rob the air in your home of much-needed moisture, leaving you with stuffy sinuses, headaches and poor air quality. These DIY humidifier ideas will help increase your home’s humidity for a more comfortable environment.

woman pouring water into a bowl humidifierOf course, you can buy a ready-made humidifier, but they’re easy to do yourself – save money and the planet, and DIY instead.

  1. The simplest humidifier is laughably easy – simply place a bowl of water next to your heating source (e.g. a fire or a radiator). I remember my mum doing this all around the house every winter. Or put a bowl of water on a sunny windowsill – the water will evaporate as the sun warms it. Replenish the water in the bowl when necessary – normally once or twice a week, it varies.
  2. A shower is also a great humidifier. Shower with an open door (or open the door right after a shower), so that the moist air from the bathroom can spread throughout the house for an instant humidity boost. (If you have an exhaust fan in the bathroom, turn it off first, otherwise, you’ll be pushing all of that humidified air outdoors).
  3. If you’re in the kitchen, heat a kettle of water or boil a pot of water for cooking – the water evaporates, turns into vapor and mixes freely with the air in your home. Allow the water to boil for a few minutes for the best results. If you’re just boiling water for the moisture, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to make the house smell fresh. (Don’t let it boil dry, and don’t leave your stove unattended).
  4. For a relaxing DIY humidifier idea, place a small indoor water feature on a countertop or table to introduce water into the air. And the sound of running water has been proven to be relaxing, so this DIY humidifier actually serves more than one purpose!


Try a Simple Saline Nasal Rinse

saline nasal rinse cold flu sinus relief via webmd
saline rinse via WebMD

You can buy over-the-counter nasal rinses, but it’s cheaper to DIY, and you know there are no unwanted chemicals in the solution. Here’s what to do.

  1. Buy a simple saline solution – check to make sure that nothing else is added to the salt water (or make your own with pure water and a little non-iodized salt).
  2. You’ll need a squeeze bottle, bulb syringe or neti pot to hold the saline.
  3. Lean forward over the sink, at about a 45-degree angle. Tilt your head so that one nostril is pointed down toward the sink. Don’t tilt your head back.
  4. Place the spout of the neti pot or squeeze bottle just inside your nose. Keeping your mouth open, squeeze the bottle or tilt the pot to pour the water into your nostril. Remember to breathe through your mouth, not your nose.
  5. The saltwater will run through your nose and drain out of your other nostril (and maybe your mouth – just spit it out, but it won’t harm you if you do swallow some).
  6. Gently blow your nose to clear out the remaining solution.
  7. Repeat the procedure with your other nostril.

A saline rinse helps to relieve pressure in your nose and sinuses.


Enjoy a Curry!

Yes, spicy food helps to clear out your sinuses, relieving pressure on them. So enjoy a yummy, spicy curry!


Essential Oils Help Too

best mosquito repellents contains essential oilSpecific essential oils can help calm your mind and body, and help you breathe better. Eucalyptus, rosemary, and peppermint essential oils are great. Use them in a diffuser, or mix them with water in a spray bottle and spray the room.


Homemade Vapor Rub

Make your own instead of buying over-the-counter medicines which often contain nasty additives. It’s safe and effective. (Note: don’t use on infants without first consulting with a healthcare professional!).

Use extra virgin coconut oil as a carrier oil, it’s very moisturizing and soothing to the skin. Shea butter is also moisturizing, but gives the mixture a thicker texture so it’s not too greasy. Essential oils help promote healing and soothe swollen tissues for easier breathing. The cinnamon also has a slight warming effect.

This recipe takes just 15 minutes to make, and will last for about one year if you store it properly.


  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons shea butter, unscented (optional)
  • 1012 drops Eucalyptus Oil (use only 3 drops for children under 3 years old)
  • 1012 drops Peppermint Oil (use only 3 drops for children under 3)
  • 4 drops Rosemary Oil (for use in ages 10+)
  • 4 drops Cinnamon Oil (when making to use for children, use cinnamon leaf instead)

natural homemade decongestant for colds flu vapour rub no licenceMethod

  1. In a double boiler, gently melt coconut oil and shea butter. Remove from heat and let cool for a few minutes.
  2. Stir in the essential oils.
  3. Pour into a clean container with a tight-fitting lid.
  4. Allow to solidify and cool completely before using.
  5. Store in a cool, dry place.

To Use

Rub a small amount between your palms to soften it, and apply to the chest as needed.

(You might want to wear an old t-shirt to prevent the oils from staining bedding or other fabrics and surfaces).



Part of the discomfort of a cold or flu is not being able to breathe properly. A humidifier, nasal rinse, a spicy curry and a vapor rub are all useful ways to bring comfort when you need it. Use some or all of these methods to help you breathe easier.

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What do you use for a cold or the ‘flu? Let me know in the comments below.

Warm regards,

signature Clare







#healthy, breathy easy naturally with a cold or flu, cold and flu remedy, colds and flu, decongestant, health, juice, natural cold and flu remedy, natural decongestant, smoothie

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