Should You Eat Plant-Based Burgers?

Vegetables are Healthy, So Should You Eat Plant-Based Burgers?



food possibly plant-based burger



If you read EcoFriendlyLink regularly, you’ll know that I talk quite a lot about eating more vegetables and reducing your meat intake. It’s great for your health – and for the planet too. So, plant-based burgers sound ideal.

Or are they?

Plant-based burgers and other plant-based meat alternatives are increasingly popular – including outside vegan and vegetarian circles. There are more options now than ever before in supermarkets and even in restaurants and fast-food chains.

Advertisers tell us that they are good for us and the environment.

Are they?

Well, no.

Take a look at the ingredient list on most plant-based burgers, and you’ll discover that they are chock-full of additives and artificial ingredients.

They’re not good for your health, and they’re awful for the environment too.

Here’s why.

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What Are Plant-Based Burgers?

They provide a hamburger alternative using non-animal-based ingredients. They are a source of protein, particularly for vegans and vegetarians.


They’re Protein-Rich

Protein is good, so plant-based protein must be good too, right?

To look at some common brands of plant-based burgers, here’s what they use for protein –

  • Beyond Meat burgers use pea protein – they process peas to remove the protein.
  • Impossible Burger,  Morningstar Farm and Boca Foods burgers use a soy protein concentrate made from processed soy.
  • Quorn Foods burger use mycoprotein, a protein made from fungus.

Which sounds fine – until you realise just how much processing goes on to get this protein.

Processed foods are really bad for your health, and can also cause food sensitivities and allergies.


They’re Full of Artificial Chemicals

artificial chemicalsAs well as heavily-processed protein, most plant-based burgers also include other unhealthy ingredients.

Canola oil and other refined oils are common ingredients that are heavily processed and chemically treated. (Refined vegetable oils may increase the risk of inflammation and heart disease).

Plant-based burgers generally include MSG (monosodium glutamate) – an additive that makes food taste better but can be bad for your health if you eat a lot of it.

Maltodextrin is a thickener, filler and preservative that may increase the risk of insulin spikes and digestive issues.

Wheat gluten and other grains can increase the risk of inflammation, leaky gut syndrome, digestive issues, autoimmune disease, and other health issues.

And then there are “natural flavors” – which often aren’t natural at all! They normally come from heavily processed vegetable juices, dairy or other food items.

Other unhealthy, processed additives and ingredients may include gum arabic, succinic acid, methylcellulose, modified food starch, glutamic acids and artificial colors.


Plant-Based Burgers are Less Nutritious

Hamburgers made from real ground beef (minced beef) are high in iron, B vitamins, zinc, and selenium. Most plant-based proteins are usually lacking or are low in these micronutrients.

Many plant-based alternatives boast of their vitamin content – but they come mostly from synthetic vitamins added during processing. It’s always better to get your nutrients from whole foods instead of chemical substitutes.


What About Calories?

Plant-based burgers are only slightly lower in calories – around 250 calories per burger while most beef burgers are around 290 calories. So you’re not gaining much.


Are They Organic?

Like all foods, non-organic foods may be high in herbicides and pesticides including glyphosate.


What About the Environment?

agriculture farming lack of bio diversity mono-cropBecause they’re plant-based (well, chemical-based really), many advertisers tell you that their meat alternatives are good for the planet.

Sadly, they’re not.

Soybeans, wheat and corn are grown commonly as monocrops – a single crop each year. With no crop rotation, the soil is weakened and nutrients are reduced. So farmers rely heavily on pesticides, herbicides, and unnatural fertilizers, which cause huge environmental and health problems.


So, Should You Eat Plant-Based Burgers?

Like most things, everything in moderation. An occasional fast-food meal, or plant-based burger, or a big-fry up can be fun. But eating mostly whole foods is the best option for your health and well-being.

Real, whole foods are loaded with nutrients and support your health. Fresh fruit and vegetables, non-factory-farmed meat and poultry are whole foods that are not chemically processed.

Fake, overly-processed foods can increase inflammation, gut health issues, chronic symptoms, and chronic health issues.

Don’t be fooled by the advertising!


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Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to download your FREE recipes for yummy smoothies that will keep you feeling full!  Click here.  


burgers, food, plant-based, plant-based alternatives, plant-based alternatives to meat, plant-based burgers, vegan, vegetarian

  • Proteins are made up of amino acids that are needed for the tissues and organs inside the body to function properly and they do the greatest amount of work inside the cells

    • They are indeed – although I’m not sure your comment is relevant to this blog which is discussing whether vegan burgers are healthy or not. But thanks for stopping by!

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