Reducing Energy Waste While Working From Home

Working from Home? Here’s How to Reduce Your Energy Waste

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As a result of the pandemic, remote work has witnessed a surge, leading to an increased number of individuals earning their income from the comfort of their homes. Whether it’s
handling customer calls at a support center or managing data entry tasks, working remotely offers numerous advantages.

Nonetheless, there are notable drawbacks associated with this arrangement. One significant issue is the excessive energy consumption linked to remote work.

On a positive note, there are plenty of strategies to reduce energy waste while working from home.

The initial step is a straightforward one: unplug electronic devices when they are not in use. Employing a power strip for managing multiple cords and chargers and powering down all
devices at the end of the workday is an effective practice. This modification significantly reduces phantom energy usage.

Another practical measure is to switch from conventional lightbulbs to energy-efficient LED bulbs, which consume less energy.

Furthermore, it is advisable to explore competitive electricity rates, as they vary depending on the state you reside in. Finally, consider investing in Energy Star-rated office equipment, such as
monitors, computers, printers, and other essential devices. These products not only enhance energy efficiency during office tasks but also automatically switch to low-energy modes when
idle, preventing energy wasted.

Regardless of the approach you choose, the time to take action is now.

By adopting these measures, you can reduce your environmental footprint and cut down on utility expenses.


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Warm regards,

signature Clare




P.S.  Don’t forget to see what you can do to help slow climate change – click here (it’s free)


reduce energy waste, save energy, work-from-home

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